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Ongoing PhDs
IT companies' strategies and initiatives to reduce their environmental impact throughout their value chains, with the aim of promoting sustainable economic growth
Thomas Calvet-Drouelle - under the supervision of Didier Desponds - PhD co-supervisor: Béatrice Ledésert (CY GEC) - Find out more
From monumental to museal: what kind of art museum for and at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint-Denis?
Anne-Sophie Destrumelle - PhD supervisor: Elizabeth Auclair - Find out more
The effects of urban renewal on the reputation of urban policy areas
Rémi Engrand - under the direction of Didier Desponds - Find out more
Changes in land use patterns in the Cergy-Pontoise 'CACP' conurbation and the PNR Vexin Français using deep learning methods
Ahlam Hitache - PhD supervisor: Didier Desponds - Find out more
The role of urban amenities in promoting spatial justice in the city: a perspective on urban renewal in Lyon and Greater Paris
Tristan Majou - PhD supervisor: Didier Desponds - Find out more
Restitution of African cultural heritage to Africa: France-Africa cooperation on financing the creation and modernization of host museums - the case of Benin
Vinciane Mobio - PhD supervisor: Elizabeth Auclair, PhD co-supervisor: Anne Hertzog, under joint supervision with Didier Houénoudé (University of Abomey Calavi - Benin) - Find out more
Urban sprawl and land-use planning issues in the Communes of Douala IIIème and Douala Vème (Douala-Cameroon)
Edoux Pauly Tiokou Ngassa - PhD supervisor: Didier Desponds - Find out more
Processes of heritage and transformation of contemporary buildings through the prism of 20th-century architecture and its heritage, an anthology of production in Corsica
Noëly Urso-Megimbir - PhD supervisor: Elizabeth Auclair - PhD co-supervisor: Anne Hertzog - Find out more
Learning area: Education and its pathways to health beliefs and behaviors
Thipphaphone Xayavong - PhD supervisor: Elizabeth Auclair - Find out more